The company is registered under the Indian company act in the year 2016 and it has completed successful Seven years of a milestone in the façade & BIM industry. We are located at the southwestern tip of the Indian peninsula. It is flanked by the Arabian Sea on the west, Karnataka on the north and northeast, and Tamil Nadu on the east.
We do facade engineering of high-performing glazing systems to ensure that saving energy at its maximum level by having a minimum budget in hand. Our Engineer/Architects will make sure that the final results are completely matching with architectural design criteria and design intent. Our main task is to achieve the assigned work submission without delay. We are highly dedicated to providing high-quality, sustainable, innovative, and value-engineered solutions to meet our customer's demands for present and future demands. Customer satisfaction is one of our main keys to success within a short time.
Our main aim is to focus on developing a strong team that can handle the future demands of the Façade industry in India & abroad. We are learner’s listeners and Experts in Façade, therefore we can solve any façade design-related issues within the time limit.
Our approach is based on ingenuity, it is performance and business focused – in other words, we do more for less. Everything we do, from concept design to implementation and renovation
We have a specialized wing for Building Information Modeling (BIM) and we actively help our partners in enhancing overall project efficiency and margins by achieving complete coordination among all designers, Architects, Consultants, and Contractors through the integration of all project data in a single BIM model.
To be the Worldwide Leader in the Design, Engineering of the Finest Quality Architectural Systems & BIM Services.
To build a strong and safe global presence.
To be the largest technical solution provider in Architectural Industry.
To maintain a reputation among the Architects, consultants, fabricators, contractors, and building owners.
Customers will experience us as cost-effective, safe, and reliable.
Customer satisfaction will be our ultimate indicator of quality. Our people and processes shall be geared towards high quality and continual improvement.
Attract top talent and Live a more meaningful work life.
Stay relevant.